the address is 345 lewisburg street and again, the application is 2007-03216875. >> great, thank you. >> thank you for your consideration. >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please. >> my name is kevin chang, i would like to address the illegal unit murders. oftentimes violations are undetected. i can give you an example of five properties. there are misrepresentations on apple, construction not conforming to permits and the hiding of code enforcement occurred. many go undetected in permit submission. conditions are misrepresented and the historical unit count is oftentimes not verified and many go undetected after substantial completion. even after sale. the building department code enforcement would indicate the building was built according to plans and they will observe no violations existed. these are all two-unit properties and ren foe investigaterentalproperties. they're fully integrated living and single family with an aupare, one stairway, one elevator to all floors. many time it's a ticket fix and there's no department penalty. the planning department enforcement would have the