in san jose, lexy nuno, update news." rashida gilmore is here for arts and entertainment...hows a&e going this week rashida? theres a lot of great stuff this week tim... theater students are going back in history this fall by performing a classic play ... that the director says is still relevant today. ">>>nat sot up full cast member are busy rehearsing "to kill a mockingbird". which opens on october 5th in the university theatre. the play set in the 1960s is the story of an african-american man in the deep south wrongly accused of raping a white woman ... and the white lawyer who passionately defends him. director laura long says the message of the classic novel and play still resonates today. laura says: "were in an interesting place in this political season, weve seen racially motivated issues come up with blocking the vote, or the attempt to block the vote in certain swing states, we've seen people denigrate our president because he's african american, although they wont really admit to racism." the actors spend four hours a day monday through friday crafting their perfo