. -- li annoln and glen eagle are very short courses. supervisor avalos: next speaker, please. >> i am a graduate of high- school in pacifica. i was awarded the 2009last nighe 2011 junior golf leaguer. the young german the just spoke is one of my students for six years. i am proud of him to be up here. it's pretty grim reflection of what we do and what we try to accomplish as far as golf professionals in our coaching and teaching. i graduated in 1986. i was a golf coach for 10 years, 10 season. during that time, i started the 501c3 nonprofit company that was the junior golf foundation. it tried to further an advance of golf to the junior masses. in trying to communicate with more people in the city, they tried to chase us out of lincoln and harding. this is where we created jr. access for kids. i stand here today representing dnc pga section itself. and we had an annual meeting today. all of our annual members were there today. i am basically there, representing that. this golf course gave me my access to do what i do and follow my passi