lies. >> all right. what is casey's name, al next. >> casey boy! >> there you go. >> can you name everyone on the show? >> oh, ya.e everybody on their show. >> who is the woman? >> what do you mean, kathy, kathy roman owe. marissa. >> casey boy, nick. >> oh, you got nick. >> preston and steve. look at that. ah-hah. thank you, thank you. >> real quick, alex, i love following you along your trip to germany and austria, fantastic, pictures were great >> thank you, just got back, so donkash un. i think in. >> always nice videos. >> thank you, look at that, getting all of these plugs. >> you know we all a door you, mike we a door you, too, but al door alienation different way. >> her pictures are real beautiful. >> yes, yes, absolutely. >> i appreciate. wait; this is the last time we will talk to you guys before 2018? >> yes, actually going into space part of the mars program your anus, right? >> yes, yes. >> we will travel through the rings. >> we'll miss you guys. >> and merry christmas guys. >> merry christmas and holidays, great new year, see you again. >> it is wednesday december the 20, 2017. >> from the fox 29