michelle frandz z enjoins us li from new york with the reaction there. michelle?reporter: jim and pat, certainly crowds around ground zero are nothing new, but there's a twist here today. many people coming together, not just tourists, not just new yorkers and not just commuters mingling here. for some, there's a new purpose to return here or to come here today. some to celebrate. others, remembering and trying to reclaim some of what was lost. word spread quickly osama bin laden had not only been found, but killed. and just as quickly, crowds gathered near ground zero. the sacred site, typically marked by somber remembrances each year suddenly became the focus of a jubilant celebration. cheers. >> usa! >> chants and a patriotic emotion that unfurled throughout the city.kuculminationity.culmi decade-long hunt for the man that inspired the 9/11 attacks. >> the emotion has a lot to do with the fact that for ten years we've been held emotionally hostage. >> for victims' families including chris brattin who lost his sister in the attacks, it is a day of reflection wit