the guy with the camera is liam dunne and he has 13 years of experience and nearly 4,000 jumps under his belt. everything with the jumpers in front of him goes perfectly well. things start to go wrong when liam first deploys his parachute. then he starts to go into a very quick spin and he drops altitude rapidly. >> oh. >> you see him struckggling to pull the yellow tab with his left hand. he can't quite grab and the ground comes up very fast. >> oh. >> he hits the ground, bounces about six feet back up into the air, lands ten feet away from why he initially impacted the ground. suffered broken ribs, cracked sternum and fractured vertebrae. >> he survived this. >> he did survive this. took him months to learn how to walk again. right this minute, liam joins us to tell us what happened in this moment, liam? >> i deevvate from what was standard protocol. as soon as you open the chute you're supposed to do a complete check. one of the grommets caught on the right and sent me in a spin. i spent too long to get the other gogel. the gun g couldn't get the reserve handle. whether i was going