uh jewish israel uh whether they are in the actual um sort of bank or in you jerusalem professor liam mara explains why is textbook case of genocide okay and what i'm going to show you or try to show you here is that three of these are quite active in the case of what's happening in in palestine today first members of the group, now when you're talking about the group, you mean killing them as a that applies to all of these, so not just as individuals, but as members of a group for that identity, so as palestinians, they are a problem, so killing members of the group counts, but so to does causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, serious bodily, mental harm to groups counts as genocide. think about that, again away from using the word, no, absolutely not, and even if it doesn't comply with all five, main ones that has highlighted is the main reason, and the others actually does follow through anyway, because the situation that... put through, so this is more than what the textbook really requires for it to be called as genocide, and that not be ignored, and this is no