people in this country suffer from eating disorders, either anorexia, where you starve yourself or but liamia where you binge eat and then vomit. france has banned models who are too thin. the issue is that our teens -- it's the third most common disease amongst among teens. if you are wondering why am i talking about anorexia when last week he was talking about me gaining to much weight. they are connected. the child is, look at the fashion model sayingive got to be thin like this model and then they don't accept their wlait. >> dr. sammed aadsamadi. how thin is too thin. >> the bmi should be 18.5, they are telling the companies if you violate, there will be penalties and fines and jail time. what they should be telling children is this is not what you want to look like. anorexia is a real disease. we have treatment for it. and i think you should learn about this and educate yourself. there are people -- this the highest death rate higher than any other mental illness, these are eating disorders. you should educate the children. >> well said. thank you so much. that's it for us. thank you fo