libby albert then on they get here today, but i want to recognize her. she has been in the neighborhood, raised two kids, and she was a great fervor on this process. also cannot make it today, sally large, runs the friends of st. frances sudeikis and abbottabad have been a longtime user of this park. she'd tell me we cannot bring our kids to duboce park because it is too dangerous. now they bring their kids to duboce park. i want to acknowledge ekkatie wilcox, my partner, too. she has been involved in this from the very beginning, whether she likes it or not. she put in a lot of time. doug, come on up. with friends of duboce park, i got to know doug through this process as it came together. they run a monthly clean up park work day. this is the stuff that happens all the way through. this park is beautiful because of the work that people like doug do, and they continue to organize the community year after year after year. sia, come up here. she was very helpful on the youth play area. we wanted to make sure that duboce park, particularly the youth play a