. >> talk about spontaneous libi libido. >> we used to say spontaneous libido based on arousal, sort of this straight line and you come to it with libido expecting that but we know women come to sex for orgasm or different reasons, to be comforted by the partner, feel close, make their partner feel better. it's a relationship. sometimes you do something for them, they do something for you. it's about pleasure and it leads to orgasm, too. this idea but people need to be spontaneous all the time satisfied metric. whose center fantasy does not satisfy? somebody cleans my house and it does my dishes i might, hi. [laughter] all of those things together, this idea that they're supposed to be spontaneous all the time, it's like this i don't want to go to the party. you are at the party last time it had a good time. yeah, i did but -- zero really, there's take? and you have a great time. the other thing, it presents opportunities to sell women there's prescription drugs were libido, all sorts of potions and things. rub this on your clitoris really well. >> screamed cream which has all these