we had no accountability in libia. all of these people responsible for the death of four brave americans, and so none one was brought to account or justice for those horrible deaths. >> and what frank wolf writes about is frustrated and disappointed and you can clearly sense that. what is the rationale for john boehner not going for a special committee? >> you would have to ask speaker boehner or his staff on that. from my days on the hill perhaps he thinks that the committees doing what they are doing, they can undertake subpeonas and investigations and call witnesses and hold hearings and they have done that sort of stuff. maybe he doesn't believe that a special committee is required because the committees with jurisdiction with these issues can do these things that a special committee can do. >> have you sewn the poll that we put out this week? this is unbelievable. we asked americans the reason why the obama administration gave false information about the attack in libia. 49 percent, peter, say it was to protect th