and when was libidonia born?’s how it was in soviet times, no matter how much collective farms poured into these state-owned ones, we bought grain in america and so on. now we sell grain for export. and this is very important. this industrial policy is called and when we are not in a state-owned company swell money. and when we give them to the private sector, how do these support to private money. we give the state at this moment development begins. and so, her dear hunter recently, her exchange informant conducted an experiment, supported them with 500 million rubles. for advertising, yes for consumer goods. so it's not enough to compete with the price, even if the quality is the same, that is, it's professionally lower, which means less profit less taxes you pay. support for subsidized advertising and succeeded, that the channels that now receive 40 billion tv channels of money directly from the budget and other media per ruble of spending account for a ruble of budget funds. the same money works once, in the