he worked for libyan arab airlines. we knew it was common practice for the libyan intelligence service to use libyan arab airlines as a cover office for their operations. phil: this is the old luqa airport. investigation determined that it was here that the bomb bag... was actually put on the air malta flight to frankfurt... ..and then was transferred to the pan am 103 flight out of heathrow that blew up over lockerbie. puzzle piece was working here at luqa airport in the luggage area. the cia started looking at his reporting. which was saying that, around december of 1988, he actually saw both fhimah and megrahi coming into this airport here... ..with a suitcase. and that double agent became very, very important to us in the case. i get a phone call telling me that cia the found the double agent, majid giaka, he's on a boat, and they're bringing him to a us ship of some kind to be interviewed. got on a helicopter, we were flown out to a ship in the mediterranean, international waters. and i'm anticipating a very aggress