me now in the studio, is judi et lichk er and she has made energy improvements in her own home.being here. first of all, what does this organization, energy upgrades california? >> its statewide program as the name would suggest. it encourages homeowners such as myself to make adjustments to their home and give rebates to the homeowners to make the upgrades. >> are they substantial. up to $4,000 for the utilities you can find within your own city and county there is additional rebates even up to another $4,000. >> so you decided to do this with your own home? >> i did. long before there were rebates. had i waited ten years, i may soon be having rebates. >> it's very comfortable home which was a big motivation. >> what is process? >> the first thing premium need to do is go to the website. that is one-stop shop. you go there and find out about the program and next step would be getting a contractor to do an assessment to do your home. >> there is a charge for for that? >> there will be a charge to do the assessment and come out with a report that tells you about your home and kin