my name is lidia rayna and i am here on behalf of mr. two ng. he has been dealing with the school district and trying to get his son who is a special ed student to be assigned to the school that was referred by his teacher. and he is not at least assigned him to the school in his neighborhood so that he can attend with his older siblings. right now he is being bused across town to marina and we are just asking for help. we have talked to many, many administrators in the district and nobody will help us. the family, mr. strong and mrs. strong have been spending a lot of time off of work to come and have meetings. nobody will meet with him, with them, and they will not give them an explanation as to why their son is bused across town when he needs to be at least with his older siblings. >> excuse me. where is the older siblings going? >> geonani? >> the older sibling in geonani? >> is miss... who is... would somebody take care, thank you. >> thank you, very much. >> i appreciate it. >> okay, item, i think that was it, for public speakers. item k,