you'll take from this hearing the overriding theme that i've had, and that is, i want to see y'all get lieber and smarter on a much more rapid pace. >> thank you, mr. chairman. if i may just comment on the san francisco example, so that, i think 88 number, that -- it's actually -- i believe it's less than 20 who are than 20 who are actually overseeing the private company so that 88, if that's the right number, is actually the entire office that deals with all other issues, not just -- so, for example, would have counsel from the offices of general counsel, have surface inspectors, things that are not related to that airport security. >> and that makes sense, but even if it's 20 for 40 people? i mean, they literally could get by with two or three people supervising those 40 managers. >> well, i don't agree with that. but that would be a different contract. it would turn them loose and say okay, you have free reign. but there's a median in there. >> do you have any questions? well, thank you, again, mr. pistole for being here. this hearing is now adjourned. >>> the annual radio television congr