. >>> we're not using any herb side or pesticides, or chemical fort liesers. the sun makes the grass grow, the cattle harvest the grass and fetter lies the-- fertilise the graph. >> reporter: make the choice between industrial raised beef and grass fed beef on a place like this, consumers would be going with grass fed. >>> it pastes better. these animals are living, i would say, a better life for beef, for cattle. >> reporter: this woman appreciates jacky's connection with cattle. he grew up on a farm in israel. he gave up eating it when as a scientist he crunched the data and recognised the cost to the environment. grass fed cattle are far from the solution to global warming and they may add to the problem >>> what is called grass fed in the mid west was the single worst option in interprets of global warming. it was worse by a very comfortable margin than the economical industrial meat. >> reporter: how can that be? i'm somebody who eats meat and i consider myself an educated consumers and i ask for grass fed beef. are you telling me that i am actually contr