this is lieutenant vh kaufman. "body in a decayed state, falling to pieces."here were letters in his pocket. the detail with which he has written each one of these descriptions, of each of the bodies, seems to be a herculean piece of work. the people of islay buried almost 400 soldiers and sailors from the otra nto. they had more outside help this time, but this disaster still required the whole island to pull together. you only have to look at the photographs of the bodies to know that this was a real tragedy, involving real human beings. on a small island, where the size of the tragedy, you know, would seep into the soul. growing up on islay i neverfully appreciated how significant this year of double disaster was. i think when certain generations died off, it was forgotten. this has been revived now, i really don't know what the effect will be on some people, because there were so many families touched by the whole thing. people, even in my home, rarely talked about it. there is one very visible memorial, built by the american red cross, just after the war,