ligo is the well-worn page. he's gonna rob the ligo lab. my ligo lab?! all right, come on.wheel, there is no such thing as a small distraction. a public service reminder from the american academy of orthopaedic surgeons, who would rather help keep your bones strong than put them back together. speak out against distracted driving at you know, why don't you let me go first, just in case? no, no, if he has already been in here, i don't even know if i want to live. okay, the computers... they all seem to be here... and accounted for. of course, the big-ticket items... they're in here. all right, well, why don't you open that up? ( beep ) laser diodes alone are worth $150,000 apiece. the sapphires, upwards of half a million. that's a sapphire? invaluable in optics. you know, bathysphere windows? those are sapphires. now, those are fabricated, but still intensely expensive. and where's the other one? oh, it's down in the ligo tunnel with the laser. okay, uh, so nothing's missing. no, it would appear we got here first. that is, if he's coming. megan: do you see