you had people like john d rockefeller, who would literally disrespect porters to the point that whenf the train, instead of politely handing them a tip, he and his wife would begin to walk away down the platform, and rockefeller would flip a dime or a nickel back at the porter. pullman porters disliked athletes. babe ruth, if he had a bad game, guaranteed that he would take some way to wreck his accommodations on the train. of all people, jackie robinson, first african american baseball player in the big leagues, was known that if he had a bad day on the field, he took it out on his pullman accommodations. and the pullman porter was responsible for that. they ended up having to pay for that damage, having to pay for things that were taken off of the train. pullman porters and how they were treated -- a lot of times, in the south, on the plantations, a porter would be referred to by the master's name. the individual porter's name was not recognized, and the individual slave's name was not recognized. on pullman cars, you would hear pullman porters called george. "hey, george," in refe