likearah, you've laughed at god: it'll never happen to you. but god sent this eacher, in campmeeting, glory to god, to remind you that god not a man that he should lie. if he spoke it, it will come to pass. you can take that to the bank and cash in on it. god is a man that will stand true to his word. you just got to believe his word. believe that things can change suddenly in your life. in fact, i'm telling you man i the word of god manifest in my life. i'm walking around every day looking for some suddenlies to take place in my life. i'm telling you. i'm walking around looking for folk to just bless me. i'm walking around for favor, favor, favor. simplehings. simple things. favor. i'm walking around believing that i'm the righteousness of god, the seed of abraham. i'm walking around knowing that no good thing will god withhold from me. i'm walking around knowing that i'm blessed and i'm highly favored of the lord. i'm walking around knowing that god will shift things around in the earth to be a blessing to me. i don't know about you, but wit