>> lili fournier: oh, absolutely.osopher said that the greatest challenge of the 21st century will be can we learn to be kind to each other? it was the dalai lama who said kindness is my religion and so i think that we should define new rules for success. it's ultimately about the person that you become and what you stand for, you know, that's important and if you say you're living your values, live your values. i'm personally really tired of all the pretenders out there. so i think that the quest for authenticity is the great quest of our times and what is spirituality after all but living in the energy of love and not just ego. forgiveness and compassion and developing a generosity of spirit. it was russell simmons, i think he says that in the show that it's, um, the empowerment thing is about becoming a good giver. you know, so give yourself to something, lend a helping hand. >> alisha steeles: well, you can give a powerful lending hand right now by picking up that telephone near by and making the call. the number'