Dec 28, 2012
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lilian mass, nos habla sobre estos desafios.. cgs 1.- luis Álvarez / ciudadano 2.- patricio zambrano/ analista político 3.-lilian mass / washington, dc el primer periodo del presidente obama liderando la naciÓn esta por terminar.. un periodo en el que se llevaron acabo muchos cambios pero tambiÉn quedo mucho por hacer y la poblaciÓn considera que debe actuar ra pidamente en buscar soluciÓn a los problemas que agobian a la ciudadanÍa.. " eso de no subir los impuestos, las armas tampoco no se permitan en el paÍs con tanta perdiciÓn que ha habido y la reforma migratoria"" en principal las aa reforma migratoria hay muchas personas que no tienen papeles " " la reforma migratoria para ayudar a los que no tienen papeles" tanto ellos como polÍticos de ambos partidos y analistas, coinciden que la primera prioridad del presidente obama para su prÓximo termino debe ser resolver la profunda divisiÓn partidista sobre temas fiscales y gastos gubernamentales que podrÍan llevar al paÍs a una nueva recesiÓn " es posible que aunque se venza el pla
lilian mass, nos habla sobre estos desafios.. cgs 1.- luis Álvarez / ciudadano 2.- patricio zambrano/ analista político 3.-lilian mass / washington, dc el primer periodo del presidente obama liderando la naciÓn esta por terminar.. un periodo en el que se llevaron acabo muchos cambios pero tambiÉn quedo mucho por hacer y la poblaciÓn considera que debe actuar ra pidamente en buscar soluciÓn a los problemas que agobian a la ciudadanÍa.. " eso de no subir los impuestos, las armas...
Dec 18, 2012
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lilian mass nos amplia..salvation army christmas un aproximado de 750 familias en los condados de arlington y falls church se vieron beneficiados gracias al programa "Árbol de angel " que el salvation army ofrece cada aÑo.. " nosotros tenemos un lema.. y es que ayudamos a la gente sin discriminaciÓn.. de manera que si la gente viene acÁ .. y demuestran que sus entradas .. sus finanzas no son suficientes para proveer a sus hijos con juguetes y ropa en navidad .. nosotros hacemos una serie de estudios socio econÓmicos y si vemos que su nivel de ingresos no es suficiente .. entonces califica" decenas de voluntarios regalan su tiempo y esfuerzo durante varias semanas para la preparaciÓn y reparticion de estos juguetes .. " es muy importante para mi porque puedo demostrar mi amor hacia otras personas .. y es mi forma de poder ayudar a todas estas familias aquÍ en esta comunidad .." con una base cristiana la armada de salvaciÓn tiene como objetivo unir aquellos que tienen la capacidad de ayudar con aquellos en nece
lilian mass nos amplia..salvation army christmas un aproximado de 750 familias en los condados de arlington y falls church se vieron beneficiados gracias al programa "Árbol de angel " que el salvation army ofrece cada aÑo.. " nosotros tenemos un lema.. y es que ayudamos a la gente sin discriminaciÓn.. de manera que si la gente viene acÁ .. y demuestran que sus entradas .. sus finanzas no son suficientes para proveer a sus hijos con juguetes y ropa en navidad .. nosotros...
Dec 7, 2012
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en washington dc lilian mass univision .. buenas noches... sin duda ha sido una semana con cambios dramaticos de temperatura... asi estan las condiciones actualmente... maÑana se espera una temperatura maxima de 52 grados con cielo mayormente nublado... los dejo con el pronostico ademas, cuan seguros estan sus hijos mientras navegan hoy en dÍa vivimos en una era digital y tanto nuestra rutina diaria, como la de nuestros hijos, involucra el uso de la tecnologÍa. tomas silvani, vocero de la escuelas pÚblicas del condado de montgomery, nos explica que podemos hacer para garantizar nuestra seguridad en lÍnea. si desea obtener mÁs recursos sobre ciberseguridad, puede visitar el sitio en pantalla o si ha recibido una comunicaciÓn indebida o alarmante, tome medidas y buenas noches a todos, se viene la cuarta pelea entre manny pacquiao y juan manuel marquez, ambos se vieron las caras en la ultima conferencia lionel messi confirma la fifa inspecciona estadios en esta cada vez mas cerca el fin de semana y es momento de hablar de entretenimiento, desde
en washington dc lilian mass univision .. buenas noches... sin duda ha sido una semana con cambios dramaticos de temperatura... asi estan las condiciones actualmente... maÑana se espera una temperatura maxima de 52 grados con cielo mayormente nublado... los dejo con el pronostico ademas, cuan seguros estan sus hijos mientras navegan hoy en dÍa vivimos en una era digital y tanto nuestra rutina diaria, como la de nuestros hijos, involucra el uso de la tecnologÍa. tomas silvani, vocero de la...
Dec 18, 2012
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en washington dc lilian mass univision .. ...ultaron heridas el fin de semana en cambridge, maryland, despues que un incendio destruyera un edificio... segun las autoridades las llamas se desataron la noche del domingo... a los bomberos les tomo mas de 2 horas extinguir el fuego... 21 personas fueron trasladadas a un hospital con lesiones que sufrieron cuando trataban de escapar de las llamas a traves de las ventanas... cinco apartamentos, del edificio de ocho unidades se encontraban ocupados en el momento del siniestro.. una adolescente fue asaltada sexualmente por un hombre que se hizo pasar por empleado de una compania de cable esta tarde... la menor de 15 anos se encontraba en su casa en la calle echo court, en woodbridg e, cuando el impostor obligo a la menor ingresar a un bano en donde la asalto sexualmente... el sospechoso es descrito como afroamericano, de entre 20 a 29 anos de edad, de complexion mediana... vestia una chaqueta gris, camisa roja, pantalones negros y zapatos negros... cualquien informacion reportarla al nu
en washington dc lilian mass univision .. ...ultaron heridas el fin de semana en cambridge, maryland, despues que un incendio destruyera un edificio... segun las autoridades las llamas se desataron la noche del domingo... a los bomberos les tomo mas de 2 horas extinguir el fuego... 21 personas fueron trasladadas a un hospital con lesiones que sufrieron cuando trataban de escapar de las llamas a traves de las ventanas... cinco apartamentos, del edificio de ocho unidades se encontraban ocupados...
Dec 17, 2012
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lilian kim spoke with adam lanza's former baby-sitter. lilian what have you learned? >> i spoke with ryan craft and he said he didn't know adam lanza well, but neither did anyone else. he does have vivid memories of his time baby-sitting. grew upn from the lanza's and he even baby sat adam a handful of times a decade ago when adam was 10. >> adam struck me as an introverted kid. huey was really -- he was really, really quiet. when we were building legos or doing video games he was really focused on it. it was like he was in his own world. >> beyond that he didn't notice red flags or violent tendons sees. tendencies. but he remembers his mom, nancy, giving him strict instructions jay she always told me to keep my eye on him at all times and never turn my back on him even for a second. >> they removed computers from the home this weekend which could provide important clues to the monthy tiff behind the shooting. -- motive behind the shooting. >> i don't think anyone was afraid of him. there were a lot of peoplejust o just saw him as someone different and really just lef
lilian kim spoke with adam lanza's former baby-sitter. lilian what have you learned? >> i spoke with ryan craft and he said he didn't know adam lanza well, but neither did anyone else. he does have vivid memories of his time baby-sitting. grew upn from the lanza's and he even baby sat adam a handful of times a decade ago when adam was 10. >> adam struck me as an introverted kid. huey was really -- he was really, really quiet. when we were building legos or doing video games he was...
Dec 10, 2012
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lilian mass nos dice cuales son los requisitos...7 dn el estado de maryland empezaron a extender las licencias para aquellas personas del mismo sexo que quieran contraer matrimonio civil en este estado " el gobernador ha firmado una ley que permite que las personas del mismo sexo contraigan matrimonio a partir del primero de enero del 2013 la gente ya puede venir y aplicar para las licencias .." maria, quien asiste a los aplicantes asegura que aunque no han sido muchos, aquellos que se han presentado han expresado su felicidad .. " estÁn viniendo y estan muy contentos y contentas por los cambios que se estÁn haciendo y porque por fin va a realizar un sueÑo casarse .. un 52 % de lo votantes decidieran que la comunidad lgbt debe gozar de los mismos derechos que un matrimonio tradicional .. y asÍ como los residentes de este estado tendrÁn que ajustarse a estos nuevos cambios las aplicaciones para contraer matrimonio tambiÉn han algunos ajustes "todos los papeles ahora en lugar de tener la definiciÓn de novio o novia , female or male .. ahora tienen "party 1" y "party 2" asÍ para que no
lilian mass nos dice cuales son los requisitos...7 dn el estado de maryland empezaron a extender las licencias para aquellas personas del mismo sexo que quieran contraer matrimonio civil en este estado " el gobernador ha firmado una ley que permite que las personas del mismo sexo contraigan matrimonio a partir del primero de enero del 2013 la gente ya puede venir y aplicar para las licencias .." maria, quien asiste a los aplicantes asegura que aunque no han sido muchos, aquellos que...
Dec 17, 2012
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lilian mass nos amplia.. no a raÍz del masacre ocurrida la semana pasada en una escuela en el estado de connecticut los diferentes departamentos de policÍa del Área metropolitana decidieron incrementar su presencia en las diferentes escuelas de washignton, maryland y virginia. todo esto con el objetivo de brindar mayor seguridad para los estudiantes y disuadir a quienes podrÍan estar planeando repetir un evento similar en el Área .. esta semana van a ver mucho mas oficiales en el Áreas de las escuelas no es que hay una amenaza en fairfax .. es que simplemente queremos estar mas vigilantes y visibles para que todo el mundo sepa que estamos ahÍ .. y al igual que fairfax, el condado de montgomery tambie Én ha incrementado su numero de patrullas " el viernes nosots iniciado mas seguridad en todas las escuelas en el condado de montgomery" ademÁs de seguridad, este condado esta brindando ayuda psicolÓgica a los mas de 149,000 estudiantes del Área .. " indiscutiblemente hay quie Énes alaban esta iniciativa por parte
lilian mass nos amplia.. no a raÍz del masacre ocurrida la semana pasada en una escuela en el estado de connecticut los diferentes departamentos de policÍa del Área metropolitana decidieron incrementar su presencia en las diferentes escuelas de washignton, maryland y virginia. todo esto con el objetivo de brindar mayor seguridad para los estudiantes y disuadir a quienes podrÍan estar planeando repetir un evento similar en el Área .. esta semana van a ver mucho mas oficiales en el Áreas de...
Dec 6, 2012
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lilian mass nos tiene los detalles.. los parlantes advierten constantemente el cierre de 5 estaciones en la lÍnea roja del metro para este fin de semana.. y es que a partir de maÑana viernes desde las 10 de la noche hasta el domingo 9 de diciembre unas de las estaciones con mas usuarios como los son glenmont, wheaton, forest glen, silver spring y takoma cerraran sus puertas a los usuarios.. " estaremos trabajando en todas nuestras lineas para mejorar el sistema de metro.. como todos saben el sistema se ha deteriorado a lo largo del tiempo y no se habÍa hecho el trabajo.. asi que estamos trabajando agresivamente para reemplazar los rieles y reconstruir plataformas e instalar cables de fibra optica" pero ellos no serÁn los u Únicos afectados .. aquellos que utilicen la lÍnea amarilla entre las estaciones de archives y pentagon y la li Ínea verde entre archives y waterfront tampoco encontraran servicio de tren por lo que metro tendrÁ habilitado el servicio de transporte de bus completamente gratis .. idea que no le agrada a
lilian mass nos tiene los detalles.. los parlantes advierten constantemente el cierre de 5 estaciones en la lÍnea roja del metro para este fin de semana.. y es que a partir de maÑana viernes desde las 10 de la noche hasta el domingo 9 de diciembre unas de las estaciones con mas usuarios como los son glenmont, wheaton, forest glen, silver spring y takoma cerraran sus puertas a los usuarios.. " estaremos trabajando en todas nuestras lineas para mejorar el sistema de metro.. como todos...
Dec 10, 2012
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lilian kim joins us live from there tonight with the latest. lilian? >> this is the world war ii ship that philip madingly was, woulding on. the prevailing theory tonight is that he fell into the water. friends and family believe that something bad has happened to 77-year-old philip madingly. the engineer was last seen wok working on the world war ii vessel. he was with madingly on saturday. the two were working on the warship from this tug boat dock next to it. >> i am sure if it was something miner we heard -- minor we would have heard from it. we checked with the hospitals. >> police were notified of maddingly's disappearance after he never made it home. the sheriff marine team and coast guard spent the day looking for him, but the strong current forced them to suspend the search earlier than they hoped. >> at this time all indications are that he could have possibly fallen into the water. at least initially there is no indication of foul play or anything like that of the -- or anything like that.he was he was definitely his boat. >> his truck was a
lilian kim joins us live from there tonight with the latest. lilian? >> this is the world war ii ship that philip madingly was, woulding on. the prevailing theory tonight is that he fell into the water. friends and family believe that something bad has happened to 77-year-old philip madingly. the engineer was last seen wok working on the world war ii vessel. he was with madingly on saturday. the two were working on the warship from this tug boat dock next to it. >> i am sure if it...
Dec 17, 2012
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lilian kim spoke with adam lanza's former baby-sitter. lilian what have you learned? >> i spoke with ryan craft and he said he didn't know adam lanza well, but neither did anyone else. he does have vivid memories of his time baby-sitting. he grew up two houses down from the lanza's and he even baby sat adam a handful of times a decade ago when adam was 10. >> adam struck me as an introverted kid. huey was really -- he was really, really quiet. when we were building legos or doing video games he was really focused on it. it was like he was in his own world. >> beyond that he didn't notice red flags or violent tendons sees. tendencies. but he remembers his mom, nancy, giving him strict instructions jay she always told me to keep my eye on him at all times and never turn my back on him even for a second. >> they removed computers from the home this weekend which could provide important clues to the monthy tiff behind the shooting. -- motive behind the shooting. >> i don't think anyone was afraid of him. there were a lot of people who just saw him as someone different and
lilian kim spoke with adam lanza's former baby-sitter. lilian what have you learned? >> i spoke with ryan craft and he said he didn't know adam lanza well, but neither did anyone else. he does have vivid memories of his time baby-sitting. he grew up two houses down from the lanza's and he even baby sat adam a handful of times a decade ago when adam was 10. >> adam struck me as an introverted kid. huey was really -- he was really, really quiet. when we were building legos or doing...
Dec 10, 2012
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lilian kim joins us live from there tonight with the latest. lilian? >> this is the world war ii ship that philip madingly was, woulding on. the prevailing theory tonight is that he fell into the water. friends and family believe that something bad has happened to 77-year-old philip madingly. the engineer was last seen wok working on the world war ii vessel. he was with madingly on saturday. the two were working on the warship from this tug boat dock next to it. >> i am sure if it was something miner we heard -- minor we would have heard from it. we checked with the hospitals. >> police were notified of maddingly's disappearance after he never made it home. the sheriff marine team and coast guard spent the day looking for him, but the strong current forced them to suspend the search earlier than they hoped. >> at this time all indications are that he could have possibly fallen into the water. at least initially there is no indication of foul play or anything like that of the -- or anything like that. he was definitely there near his boat. >> his truck
lilian kim joins us live from there tonight with the latest. lilian? >> this is the world war ii ship that philip madingly was, woulding on. the prevailing theory tonight is that he fell into the water. friends and family believe that something bad has happened to 77-year-old philip madingly. the engineer was last seen wok working on the world war ii vessel. he was with madingly on saturday. the two were working on the warship from this tug boat dock next to it. >> i am sure if it...
Dec 24, 2012
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lilian kim is live in palo alto with the latest. lilian? >> reporter: ama, the waters have receiptedded a bit, but it is still flowing and the levies have started to weaken. they detected three boils in levies close to homes. the creek first over ran its banks near woodland and university avenues, right in front of the 4 seasons hotel in palo alto. many took a risk and drove through the intersection before police shut it down. water from the rising creek hit 101 next. this is what it looked like on the northbound lanes just before the university avenue exit. the flooded lanes slowed down traffic and ultimately prompted the chp to escort cars through a handful at a time. a few businesses uh jay september to highway 101 and the creek got hit with the floodwaters. employees worked as fast as they could to get things moving. >> we are trying to take all of our tools and equipment. >> reporter: at the garden subdivision, many took no chances. hundreds of people heeded the warning and left their homes. they were ready to flee at a moment's notice
lilian kim is live in palo alto with the latest. lilian? >> reporter: ama, the waters have receiptedded a bit, but it is still flowing and the levies have started to weaken. they detected three boils in levies close to homes. the creek first over ran its banks near woodland and university avenues, right in front of the 4 seasons hotel in palo alto. many took a risk and drove through the intersection before police shut it down. water from the rising creek hit 101 next. this is what it...
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lilian kim, abc7 news. >>> stay with abc7 news for continuing storm watch coverage you can track the storm any time with live doppler 7 hd on abc7news.com. when the weather hits your area we want to see it, send your photos to ureport. >>> a wheelchair bound woman in the hospital after getting aren't over by a muni streetcar near market and church around 5:30 yesterday. a passenger shot this video of the rescue efforts from his apartment moments after leaving the train he heard a man pounding on the outside of the streetcar yelling for the operator to stop. the woman was rushed to the hospital. police are investigating whether she leaned forward into the train or fell out of her chair. >>> we have to wait to find out details on a person arrested after a missing teenaged girl severe autism turned up in san francisco. the public was asked to help find the 16-year-old who has the mental capacity of a 9-year-old when she walked away from a group home in oakland. police organized several sinks she was found two days later on -- several -- several searches she was found two days later on a
lilian kim, abc7 news. >>> stay with abc7 news for continuing storm watch coverage you can track the storm any time with live doppler 7 hd on abc7news.com. when the weather hits your area we want to see it, send your photos to ureport. >>> a wheelchair bound woman in the hospital after getting aren't over by a muni streetcar near market and church around 5:30 yesterday. a passenger shot this video of the rescue efforts from his apartment moments after leaving the train he...
Dec 31, 2012
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lilian mas amplia.ue un aÑo lleno de retos para los casi 6 millones de personas que residen en el estado de maryland. un aÑo que le dio un nuevo giro a lo que hasta ahora ha sido el concepto tradicional de matrimonio y le abriÓ el paso a miles de jo "venes inmigrares a poder concretar el sueÑo americano " los votantes de maryland decidieron finalmente que cuando ellos tienen el poder eligen con el amor y no eligen con el odio" los ojos de la naciÓn entera estuvieron puestos en este estado.. simpatizantes y oponentes del "dream act" fueron testigos como el 58% de los votantes de maryland abrazaban los sueÑos de estos jÓvenes. marcando de esta manera la pauta de lo que podrÍa convertirse en un efecto domino en el resto del paÍs.. " todos ganamos , ellos ganan , ganamos nosotros en la economÍa de recibir el talento y la producciÓn profesional de estos jÓvenes" " pienso que queremos seguir el liderazgo que ha tenido maryland , estoy muy orgulloso de sus acciones y quiero que dc haga lo mismo" el mismo secre
lilian mas amplia.ue un aÑo lleno de retos para los casi 6 millones de personas que residen en el estado de maryland. un aÑo que le dio un nuevo giro a lo que hasta ahora ha sido el concepto tradicional de matrimonio y le abriÓ el paso a miles de jo "venes inmigrares a poder concretar el sueÑo americano " los votantes de maryland decidieron finalmente que cuando ellos tienen el poder eligen con el amor y no eligen con el odio" los ojos de la naciÓn entera estuvieron puestos...
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abc7 news reporter lilian kim is live with those details. lilian. >> this is what is left of a century old tree. most has been cut to pieces and hauled away. it is one of a dozen trees that couldn't withstand the wind and rain. city crews work into the night cutting tree that toppled as a this tree started making cracking noises at 5:00 a.m. in front of rob porter's home. >> and then there was a large -- probably five minutes after the crack lig, a huge thud. >> in all the department of public works cleaned up the trees. it is real busy. >> this latest storm spared no neighborhood. it was snapped near moraga street. there was sig president cay -- significant street flooding. two large branches landed on one of the thoroughfares. and in city heights, a tree uprooted taking part of the street with it. a prius on the street was also damaged. >> you can replace a car, and some of the streets have been here 80 years. >> despite the loss of some trees, the city says thankfully there was little property damage and no injuries. although at this home
abc7 news reporter lilian kim is live with those details. lilian. >> this is what is left of a century old tree. most has been cut to pieces and hauled away. it is one of a dozen trees that couldn't withstand the wind and rain. city crews work into the night cutting tree that toppled as a this tree started making cracking noises at 5:00 a.m. in front of rob porter's home. >> and then there was a large -- probably five minutes after the crack lig, a huge thud. >> in all the...
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abc7 news reporter lilian kim is live with those details. lilian. >> this is what is left of a century old tree. most has been cut to pieces and hauled away. it is one of a dozen trees that couldn't withstand the wind and rain. city crews work into the night cutting tree that toppled as a this tree started making cracking noises at 5:00 a.m. in front of rob porter's home. >> and then there was a large -- probably five minutes after the crack lig, a huge thud. >> in all the department of public works cleaned up the trees. it is real busy. >> this latest storm spared no neighborhood. it was snapped near moraga street. there was sig president cay -- significant street flooding. two large branches landed on one of the thoroughfares. and in city heights, a tree uprooted taking part of the street with it. a prius on the street was also damaged. >> you can replace a car, and some of the streets have been here 80 years. >> despite the loss of some trees, the city says as little property damage and no injuries. although at this home, the family dog d
abc7 news reporter lilian kim is live with those details. lilian. >> this is what is left of a century old tree. most has been cut to pieces and hauled away. it is one of a dozen trees that couldn't withstand the wind and rain. city crews work into the night cutting tree that toppled as a this tree started making cracking noises at 5:00 a.m. in front of rob porter's home. >> and then there was a large -- probably five minutes after the crack lig, a huge thud. >> in all the...
Dec 31, 2012
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lilian mas con el informe. ... vamos a otros temas..una campana para sensibilizar a las personas sobre los peligros de los disparos al aire durante la despedida de ano ha sido lanzada en el sur de la florida. desde miami, lenny padura nos tiene los detalles. mas adelante les tendremos importantes consejos para que tome en cuenta despues de los gastos economicos de las fiestas de fin de ano...nieve, e viento es el pronostico para el ultimo sabado del aÑo 2012... detalles de esta informacion, despues de la pausa comercial... y recuerde que puede mantenerse informado con noticias washington las 24 horas del dia a traves de nuestra pagina web noticiasdc. com, tambien ubiquenos en facebook y twitter bajo ..paso terminamos con los bolsillos vacios..a continuacion claudia mendoza nos dice que hacer y como economizar despues de los gastos durante estos dias festivos. buenas noches... estamos cada vez mas cerca de comenzar un nuevo aÑo y lo que tambien se aproxima es nieve y lluvias... asi estan las condiciones actuales...
lilian mas con el informe. ... vamos a otros temas..una campana para sensibilizar a las personas sobre los peligros de los disparos al aire durante la despedida de ano ha sido lanzada en el sur de la florida. desde miami, lenny padura nos tiene los detalles. mas adelante les tendremos importantes consejos para que tome en cuenta despues de los gastos economicos de las fiestas de fin de ano...nieve, e viento es el pronostico para el ultimo sabado del aÑo 2012... detalles de esta informacion,...
Dec 24, 2012
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lilian kim is live in palo alto with the latest. lilian? >> reporter: ama, the waters have receiptedded a bit, but it is still flowing and the levies have started to weaken. they detected three boils in levies close to homes. the creek first over ran its banks near woodland and university avenues, right in front of the 4 seasons hotel in palo alto. many took a risk and drove through the intersection before police shut it down. water from the rising creek hit 101 next. this is what it looked like on the northbound lanes just before the university avenue exit. the flooded lanes slowed down traffic and ultimately prompted the chp to escort cars through a handful at a time. a few businesses uh jay september to highway 101 and the creek got hit with the floodwaters. employees worked as fast as they could to get things moving. >> we are trying to take all of our tools and equipment. >> reporter: at the garden subdivision, many took no chances. hundreds of people heeded the warning and left their homes. they were ready to flee at a moment's notice
lilian kim is live in palo alto with the latest. lilian? >> reporter: ama, the waters have receiptedded a bit, but it is still flowing and the levies have started to weaken. they detected three boils in levies close to homes. the creek first over ran its banks near woodland and university avenues, right in front of the 4 seasons hotel in palo alto. many took a risk and drove through the intersection before police shut it down. water from the rising creek hit 101 next. this is what it...
Dec 31, 2012
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in concord, lilian kim, abc7 news. >>> it is time for the first check of the weather. meteorologist leigh glaser with what is happening outside right now. leigh? >> it is getting cold out there. hi, everyone. let's check in with live doppler 7hd at this hour. you can see as we sweep live, we are not picking up any returns at all. that's because of clear skies out there. the winds out of the north are starting to die down. and that is definitely going to mean for a very cold night. in fact, here is a look at current reddings -- readings at this hour. it is in the 30s in the north bay and 36 santa rosa and 48 in san francisco and 44 in mountain view. come back in 10 minutes and i will update the numbers and look ahead to our new year's eve forecast. >> leigh, thank you. >>> the nation is now just 24 hours away from going over the fiscal cliff. the one-two punch of tax increases and budget cuts set to go into affect on january 1st. negotiations will continue through the night, and a top man at the nation's capital has been called in to help. our abc news reporter has the
in concord, lilian kim, abc7 news. >>> it is time for the first check of the weather. meteorologist leigh glaser with what is happening outside right now. leigh? >> it is getting cold out there. hi, everyone. let's check in with live doppler 7hd at this hour. you can see as we sweep live, we are not picking up any returns at all. that's because of clear skies out there. the winds out of the north are starting to die down. and that is definitely going to mean for a very cold...
Dec 31, 2012
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in concord, lilian kim, abc7 news. >>> it is time for the first check of the weather. meteorologist leigh glaser with what is happening outside right now. leigh? >> it is getting cold out there. hi, everyone. let's check in with live doppler 7hd at this hour. you can see ase we sweep live, we are not picking up any returns at all. that's because of clear skies out there. the winds out of the north are starting to die down. and that is definitely going to mean for a very cold night. in fact, here is a look at current reddings -- readings at this hour. it is in the 30s in the north bay and 36 santa rosa and 48 in san francisco and 44 in mountain view. come back in 10 minutes and i will update the numbers and look ahead to our new year's eve forecast. >> leigh, thank you. >>> the nation is now just 24 hours away from going over the fiscal cliff. the one-two punch of tax increases and budget cuts set to go into affect on january 1st. negotiations will continue through the night, and a top man at the nation's capital has been called in to help. our abc news reporter has the
in concord, lilian kim, abc7 news. >>> it is time for the first check of the weather. meteorologist leigh glaser with what is happening outside right now. leigh? >> it is getting cold out there. hi, everyone. let's check in with live doppler 7hd at this hour. you can see ase we sweep live, we are not picking up any returns at all. that's because of clear skies out there. the winds out of the north are starting to die down. and that is definitely going to mean for a very cold...
Dec 3, 2012
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lilian kim shows us one neighborhood forced to spend sunday cleaning up. >> the family surveyed the damage. luckily no one it was hurt but the large tree did damage the front and one of their peach trees. he was in the backyard when it happened. >> it would have been tragedy. >> in all the department of public works says they have received 40 calls of downed trees. this little boy heard one of them. >> i heard it and i didn't know what it was. i just went to the living room with my brother. yeah, then i went outside and all these trees were here torn down. >> the thoroughfare had to two-trouble spots. walnut street an uprooted tree damaged a prius that was parked on the street. >> obviously it's disappointing. you got go with the insurance process. thankfully i'm insured. as my neighbor put it, you can replace a car. some of these trees have been here 80 to 100 years. >> in addition to toppled trees there were other problems in the city. one snapped on moraga street and northern police station saw significant street flooding that came close to entering the building. >> good news by sunday
lilian kim shows us one neighborhood forced to spend sunday cleaning up. >> the family surveyed the damage. luckily no one it was hurt but the large tree did damage the front and one of their peach trees. he was in the backyard when it happened. >> it would have been tragedy. >> in all the department of public works says they have received 40 calls of downed trees. this little boy heard one of them. >> i heard it and i didn't know what it was. i just went to the living...
Dec 14, 2012
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lilian kim has the details you need to know. >> reporter: we wanted to inform consumers. just be aware. >> reporter: mack afee has been investigating for months and they say the evidence is clear. hackers are planning to attack your bank account. he has so far detected hundreds of computers with sophisticated malwa will re. >> when you try to log into the financial institution, that is when it will activate. it rereplicates on a server in russia. once they clone it they try to log into the bank. >> it involves funneling money out of 30 banks. hope is the financial industry way of dealing with seener thieves will minimize any loss. chief investment of merk fund. >> utility companies that deal with i.t. and from that point they have the resources to deal with these issues. it's the cost of doing business. >> he says the plan likely involves targeting people with high net worth but all customers are advised to make sure the anti-software is working the way it is supposed to. >> the evidence real personal for attack, we think the likelihood is high. >> eric: 4:45. oakland and
lilian kim has the details you need to know. >> reporter: we wanted to inform consumers. just be aware. >> reporter: mack afee has been investigating for months and they say the evidence is clear. hackers are planning to attack your bank account. he has so far detected hundreds of computers with sophisticated malwa will re. >> when you try to log into the financial institution, that is when it will activate. it rereplicates on a server in russia. once they clone it they try to...
Dec 16, 2012
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lilian is the former chair of the newtown board of education. she helped choose dawn for that position. she joins me now. lilian, you knew all of the educators who were killed. you knew a number of the children as well. first of all, how are you holding up? >> my families, it comes and goes. the first day we were a mess and couldn't sleep at night. just like everybody else in newtown, i couldn't sleep. at 3:00 in the morning, i got up, powered up my computer, and half of newtown was on facebook. you do what you can. i just took a meal to one of the families. everyone's doing that. the grocery store was -- the nar where the dishes are that you buy to give is decimated. so everyone's trying to help now. >> what do you want people to know about this place, about this school? >> i was involved with sandy hook for 17 years with my children and with a program i run there, and this school is unique in the fact that, for instance, the parent community is so strong. there was never a time we had to beg for volunteers. we had sometimes to turn volunteers
lilian is the former chair of the newtown board of education. she helped choose dawn for that position. she joins me now. lilian, you knew all of the educators who were killed. you knew a number of the children as well. first of all, how are you holding up? >> my families, it comes and goes. the first day we were a mess and couldn't sleep at night. just like everybody else in newtown, i couldn't sleep. at 3:00 in the morning, i got up, powered up my computer, and half of newtown was on...
Dec 23, 2012
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abc7 news reporter lilian kim has more now on the shopping frenzy from hills day shopping center in san mateo. >> the hardest part was fining a parking spot. at hills day happening center in san mateo shoppers went around in circles hoping for a space to open up. >> crazy. park is horrible. >> inside more craziness. at least in storms like brook stone. christmastime is when the internality gift store does the bulk of its business. >> what's the hot item right now? >> the hottest item, usually the helicopters over there, and the helicopters that fly around, you can crash them. they are fun. we have a lot of cool ipad stuff like keyboards and cases. >> when it began a consumer report survey said two-thirds of americans had finished their shopping but some have not even started. >> i have a two-year-old son and someone was taking care of them so i can run out and do things. it's hard with a little one. >> but good things do come to those who wait. many stores are offering deep discounts. at jamboree, regular priced items are half off. >> there are some good sales. last minute shoppers will
abc7 news reporter lilian kim has more now on the shopping frenzy from hills day shopping center in san mateo. >> the hardest part was fining a parking spot. at hills day happening center in san mateo shoppers went around in circles hoping for a space to open up. >> crazy. park is horrible. >> inside more craziness. at least in storms like brook stone. christmastime is when the internality gift store does the bulk of its business. >> what's the hot item right now?...
Dec 23, 2012
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lilian kim, abc 7 news. >>> up next an outpouring of support for the victims of the connecticut school shooting as the last of the children are laid to rest. >>> also, we are continuing to keep an eye on the storm moving over the bay area. this is a live look from the san mateo bridge. wind advisories in effect for that bridge and the others throughout the bay area. as you can see, the rain is really picking up. >>> los altos, antioch, pedaluma and all of the bay air. this is abc 7 news. >> welcome back. a look at our live doppler 7hd showing you there is rain everywhere throughout the bay area. the heaviest bouts are where you see the yellow and orange like around the clover dale area. you you can check any time you want anywhere you want by going to our website abc7.com and looking at live doppler 7hd. >>> now, to the school tragedy in newtown connecticut. people all over the world showing their support by sending toys, money and other gifts to the town. three more children were buried yesterday. the last victims of the december 14 massacre. at the same time this horrific incident is
lilian kim, abc 7 news. >>> up next an outpouring of support for the victims of the connecticut school shooting as the last of the children are laid to rest. >>> also, we are continuing to keep an eye on the storm moving over the bay area. this is a live look from the san mateo bridge. wind advisories in effect for that bridge and the others throughout the bay area. as you can see, the rain is really picking up. >>> los altos, antioch, pedaluma and all of the bay air....
Dec 23, 2012
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abc7 news reporter lilian kim has more now on the shopping frenzy from hills day shopping center in san mateo. >> the hardest part was fining a parking spot. at hillsdale shopping center in san mateo shoppers went around in circles hoping for a space to open up. >> crazy. park is horrible. >> inside more craziness. at least in storms like brook stone. customers had to wait in long lines. christmastime is when the internality gift store does the bulk of its business. $32,000 in sales, compared to 5 do $7,000 on an average day. >> what's the hot item right now? >> the hottest item, usually the helicopters over there, and the helicopters that fly around, you can crash them. they are fun. we have a lot of cool ipad stuff like keyboards and cases. >> when it began a consumer report survey said two-thirds of americans hadn't finished their holiday shopping, while about 14% haven't even started. >> i have a two-year-old son and someone was taking care of them so i can run out and do things. it's hard with a little one. >> but good things do come to those who wait. many stores are offering deep
abc7 news reporter lilian kim has more now on the shopping frenzy from hills day shopping center in san mateo. >> the hardest part was fining a parking spot. at hillsdale shopping center in san mateo shoppers went around in circles hoping for a space to open up. >> crazy. park is horrible. >> inside more craziness. at least in storms like brook stone. customers had to wait in long lines. christmastime is when the internality gift store does the bulk of its business. $32,000 in...
Dec 22, 2012
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. >> we had lilian august 23. brad wasn't able to come home. he will be home hopefully at the beginning of next year and meet her for the first time. we are excited to meet daddy, right, lily? >> unfortunately, with the situation on the ground here we just arrived in country and assumed the mission. so i wasn't able to make it home for the birth. my wife is a very impressive woman to watch me go away for the third time now and this one to have a child and raise it on her own. she is a spectacular woman. >> they miss a lot of things and the army family especially being over in europe. give love to daddy. he misses him. this hardest part s being the mommy and the daddy. >> merry christmas! >> how is everybody doing? >> all right. here today to receive a couple of care packages. we have ones that were packed by our rfg. they were packed especially for you. it is a by name box. we were talking about some stuff and people were saying that america has kind of foregotten about the war that has been going on for more than ten years now. for most people
. >> we had lilian august 23. brad wasn't able to come home. he will be home hopefully at the beginning of next year and meet her for the first time. we are excited to meet daddy, right, lily? >> unfortunately, with the situation on the ground here we just arrived in country and assumed the mission. so i wasn't able to make it home for the birth. my wife is a very impressive woman to watch me go away for the third time now and this one to have a child and raise it on her own. she is...
Dec 4, 2012
eye 770
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enviadas por nuestrso televidentes y aquí nancy leiva envía otra ftoo con santa y también esta otra con lilianás. >>> qué hará? >>> ya me los pidieron. >>> alan! >>> qué viva despierta américa! >>> la pregutna dice así.cómo se comunica juan carlos con su mamá. >>> por la computadora! >>> respuesta final? >>> si! >>> 100 dólares!. >>> ahí hay un dol! >>> 100 dólares ahí está y son suyos! >>> dígale a todos cuál es su programa que la despierta todos los días. >>> despierta américa! >>> (aplausos). >>> regalando washingtones verdes!. >>> esos que mi mujer me quita. >>> si usted tiene una ciudad particular a la que quiere que vaya la mano millonaria, escriba ya en @despiertaameric! >>> thalí se expresó abeiertamente pero aunnció que se reunirá con paulina rubio! >>> en el mundo de la salsa no hay rival, sin oque hay ritmo y titvo nieves estará aquí conns! >>> (mÚsica). >>♪ ♪ . >>> claro que sí bailo contigo. >>> aquí hablamos del sistema verismo de starbucks, sólo tocando un botón. >>> descubre la última novedad de que tal, les habla satcha pretto.misterioso destino de espia.bush reaparece por inm
enviadas por nuestrso televidentes y aquí nancy leiva envía otra ftoo con santa y también esta otra con lilianás. >>> qué hará? >>> ya me los pidieron. >>> alan! >>> qué viva despierta américa! >>> la pregutna dice así.cómo se comunica juan carlos con su mamá. >>> por la computadora! >>> respuesta final? >>> si! >>> 100 dólares!. >>> ahí hay un dol! >>> 100 dólares ahí está y son...