the name lilienthal is perhaps familiar to some people as in the cause lilienthal was part of a huge and enormously important network of families in san francisco. in california which included the centers of mercantile legal and financial establishments. that is wells fargo bank. the families known as the max, the schlosser's, the passengers, the lilienthal's, the green walls, the green bombs, commercials, [inaudible] sims, that was in jb copy, the [inaudible] the steinhardt, the wind stocks, walters, the fox the earnings as wills [inaudible] and many others. max blumenthal. sophie durst oh. this-she and her husband were interested in books but her father had operated the first pony express station in sacramento. he founded the alaska commercial company and for those of you who will don't remember, the united states government gave the alaska commercial company the exclusive right to harvest herds in alaska for 20 years on the condition that company establish towns, schools, churches, hospitals, and generally develop the community of alaska. in other words, it wa