you might want to slow down, expand on that stuff lilth. -- a little bit. and it was -- i got done and i was like back in bed. i was in the fetal position. i was like the first puppy cold from the litter. and i was oh, someone hold me. and i loved it. and it was -- like when i was an actor, you have to have a therapist so i used to talk to a stranger about my problems and pay them every hour. now i get paid every hour to talk to strangers about my problems. and, you know, if you can be that voice for the audience, you know, if you can be the validation of what they want to say but they don't have the opportunity to say and i think people like my show because i'm an equal opportunity offender. it doesn't matter if it's republican or democrat. if you do something right, cool, if you do something wrong, we're going to talk about it. and people have a place to come by and just be like, there's someone that's like watching out for me. you know, there's someone who's got my 6. and it's interesting to kind of watch the media because it's very agendaized whether it