who is enthusiastic with a man named george clues who happen to be the research dirt for tea light lily codianapolis. he said to macleod in banning, jesus looks good. we like to collaborate with you in developing it. >> and disaster. the insulin was gone. fred banting went back to eli lilly and the large american drug company agreed to take on the challenge of mass-producing the hormone for distribution in north america. the results were as adding, changing the lives of people with diabetes forever. meanwhile, danish scientist, augusta crowe traveled to toronto with an interest. his wife marie had been diagnosed with diabetes and kroger only hope for survival is the availability of insulin in their home country. he went to toronto to ask permission to mass produce. with the answer is yes you back to denmark to stare would eventually became garbled nordisk. >> the producers have their roots back in 1922. lilly because of an enterprising research your. merck is because his wife had become diabetic and he wanted to know how-to make insulin so he could save his wife's life. marie krogh survive