we are joined now by lima tucky from g.w. sport. i thought sports was win some lose some he's fired after one game. in sports sports has tipping points and the 51 humiliating loss against frank foote was a tipping point it was the last straw for nico but we've been building up to this moment for some time now there were signs for example in their performances against welcome in the german cup just slightly edging by the side in the champions league against an impi cause and of course by and dropping points to smaller teams out. in the bonus me and at the main argument against kovacs was that he really wasn't improving this team so the same problems as we saw this year and they remained unresolved like the lack of c. billy d. the lack of an identity that he often doesn't have a plan b. he doesn't have a solution when the going gets tough and of course it also doesn't help that we have one of that by and nick have one of the worst defensive records since the time of year in klinsmann and that was 11 years ago oks are past league 10 no