adam: nearby, lina khalil and her husband imad spent most afternoons on their balcony overlooking thereamed their view of the growing fire. adam: at 6:04 p.m., lina filmed the arrival of the fire truck and the ambulance. the crews came in blind to a locked warehouse. adam: a paramedic on the ground with the brigade filmed the scene and captured the last footage of firefighter charbel karam. adam: what the firefighters did not know was that the warehouse held 2700 tons of ammonium nitrate. it had arrived in 2013 aboard a mozambique bound ship. the cargo was confiscated and moved to a dockside warehouse, hangar number 12, and abandoned. jad ghosn: we know that the army intelligence, since 2014, made a report to the government that there are highly explosive material at the port. and then, in 2015, the head of the customs also had his own report on the matter. and then, in 2019, another security apparatus in lebanon also made such a claim on the port, and this report was sent to the government and to the presidency and to all of the security bodies in lebanon. adam: the government was re