and initially, linar rejected the proposal because it was not required and to their credit, they agreed to supply the solar power and make the other design adjustments that would help ensure the artists will be able to relocate. and the agreement to provide the solar is beyond any legal requirement, and we applaud their decision. and ocii staff and lenar worked with the artists throughout the project and some wanted more space and wider doors and more sinks and various modifications and the architect has spent a great deal of time reconfiguring the studio sizes in the building footprint to make the building work for all of the artists displaced and i am sure that if patty has to do it again, who knows what will happen to her. and parking was the next major concern and after the design approval was presented to the artists in 2013, we heard back from many artists that they were really concerned about this, and you have got 300 artists. today you saw the plan for the new parking and the new parking plan which is roughly, close to 200 permit spaces and we believe that this parking plan, wi