thousands gathered at the lincoln me moria will on the national mall 50 years on. president obama was joined by two former presidents, bill clinton and jimmy carter. he said king and other leaders helped change a sem pleas and congress and even the white house. he expressed concern that disparities are widening and not shrinking. >> this has been noticed like unemployment remained almost twice as high as white unemployment and latinos close behind. >> 79% of african-americans say the country has a long way to go before it achieved the society free of racial prejudices. king inspired americans from all parts of the country. 50 years after the speech, people are reflecting on his vision. martin luther king was born in 1929 in georgia and dedicated his to fighting discrimination. in august of 1963 he joined in the march on washington and thrived the words that would be repeated over and over. >> i have a dream. that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judge issed by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character