linda ellerbee: i'm a writer today because i was a reader when i was 11 years old, and it was... deepak chopra: you do not need to prove your state of happiness to anybody. warren christopher: most of these speeches were as much as a month in preparation. stephen j. cannell: the characters, the heroes of this book are seekers of truth in a story that involves a lot of corruption. man: i get a chance to really talk about what's real, and this is the purpose for me. barry: mark, pat, welcome to "between the lines." it's a pleasure to have you on the show. mark geragos: we're happy to be here at "between the lines." pat: thanks so much for having us. we really do appreciate it. barry: it's our pleasure. i'm going to start with you, mark, because you lead off the introduction. and the book, you claim, both of you, is written for two purposes in particular--one, mark, you say, "the idea behind 'mistrial' is to go behind the scenes as never before and let the reader get a glimpse of the good, the bad and the ugly." mark: yeah, one of my favorite movies. so i figured, why not incorporat