world putting together databases so that researchers can see where things have been sighted here's linda flexner of move on explaining a little bit about the organization and why it sometimes gets a bad rap. always getting me you think you know i could. go next and you. know. i think you have. to be. here to speak and if you think. the other night. really. you know that that's part of their place can you please take care. of. me. and you know the biggest thing she was saying that is that kind of ridicule and a lot of people are too afraid to step forward or you know they're online they're going to get teased because they post a picture or bring up a topic that no one wants to talk about like what's that community doing to help combat that well as most most of us understand that there's a lot of stuff on line that we're not seeing when you're on places like facebook and twitter and all of that and so they're actually building communities specifically for this and one of those is called on stellar and. let's talk a little bit from a gentleman about that project. similar to the piece i don't like t