the worst poverty. for something called fto spearhead boston's forts, e mayor enlisted geogpher linda haarwith the community to establish our empowerment zone plan,k i sat back and started to think about boston from the perspective of a geographer, which is my training, and i've looked at boston along spatial lines. narrator: to help do that, haar's team uses a geographic iormation sysm map relative verty levelsfor . unfortunately, there are too many poor neighborhoods that qualify. there are many ways to draw the empowermt ne boundary that will decide who can and cannot receive the employment training, developmenmoneand jobs. some of e choices stanout. haar: you can really define who lives in what neighborhood, and where are the neighborhoods th are living in poverty. and unfortunately, they happen to have a very strong relationship. narrator: but they're not all classic minority neighborhoods. marty nee is a leader from south boston, on the harr, narrator: but thwhere most residentsc are white irish-americans.s. maybe the face of poverty in boston is not just black; maybe it's not just h