she was not. >> larry: when we come back, linda kasabian on the haunting details of the tate murders.on't go away. >>> in july 1969, i had just turned 20. my relationship with my husband was not there. i wasn't a priority to him. >> linda. >> no, bob. >> and there was this girl gypsy and she was a part of charlie manson's family. gypsy said, don't worry. you can come live with us. i immediately decided to go with her. >> larry: that's the history channel's upcoming drama documentary titled "manson." we're back with former manson follower linda kasabian. i asked her when she first realized that she was part of a plot to murder. >> when i realized, really, what was going on, and this is after steven was shot in the head. >> larry: you saw him shot? >> yes. >> larry: that must have blown your mind. >> it did. it totally just -- >> larry: again, manson does not go on any of these? >> no. he would accompany them to a certain point. >> but then a lot of screaming and crying and -- >> larry: how many people were with you? >> one, two, three. >> larry: and you were in whose house at that time