. >> linda kayhand is also a consultant who specializes in visual displays and visual are merchandisinglways drive really slowly by the store. if it's a new window, i stop and take pictures. >> linda whose clients have ranged to clients like saks fifth avenue, said windows are the key to attract and keeping customers at interest. >> a lot of retailers think, oh, i'm going to put this sweater in the window and it's going to sell. where in reality, you are selling the image of the store. ♪ come to my window >> linda said store windows can do much more than sell particular products. they really should be used to give the store its identity. no matter what the business. >> this is how people know what you are. what you're selling, whether they should come in or not. >> because customers play so much attention to what's in the windows, retailers have to be careful how they set up displays. for example, linda says, luxury items and affordable items must be displayed very differently. >> when you have very expensive merchandise and you cram it all together, it looks cheap. essentially price eq