and with shannon lee, daughter of bruce lee and ceo of the bruce lee, group of companies, and linda lee caldwell, which is, the widow of bruce lee, shannon's mother, i think this project, as far as my personal connection, is that, my father is actually from the same village that bruce lee is from, which is kentucky. and, when, bruce's father was a famous opera singer, he used to perform at the sunset theater on grand avenue. my great grandfather used to go there and watch him perform. and so bruce, was eventually born at chinese hospital in san francisco. like jeff was saying. and i think it would be so meaningful for the city to honor, our native son in this way. and in terms of the location, i think portsmouth square, aside from it being the original town square of san francisco that even predated the 1906 earthquake, it's hosted thousands of events, not just for the city, but for chinatown and about, this location being our shared history, our shared unification of our community, cultural awareness and appreciation would be, you know, mean so much to the community to have bruce lee's