linda: o mom. chel: okmom! maria:h, and bthe way, i ed you thelp me th rachel tight. i goa late sft. ok? nda: mom ria: mm-m? lindup to muel? ria: ion't wt to get io is again. linda: whaabout rael? maria:he's t little. [train while blowi] [knocking] linda: who is it? tim: it's tim. linda:im? tim, wt are yodoing he? u can't here. m: i juswantedo see u and give you yr book back. lia: thankou. tim: canou talk r a seco? linda:k. tim: didou have good dayt scol today linda: yh, uh, iwas fine [vehicleasses by tim:t's a ni night. nda: tha you foroming overbut i'm t allowe to havany boyfends ove not li that! tim: iind of le you. i nt to--iant to talko you mo often. [thumpinfootstep n: what e you dog here? ti i just me to rern a book borrowe sir. man: ginside. yore not aowed to me over. go hom tim: y, sir. [lda breatng hard] lind rachel,ache rachel! rach, get upgo! go tmiguel'soom! go! [winchimes bwing] [gaspi] rying] [lin sniffs] [rging] [vehicleasses by maa: nobodneeds tonow. [knock odoor] tia: iot here soon as coul omen talking indtinctly] dot worry,k? i've t everythi set f her. how e you dog? lia: i'm goo tia: youave e