. >> thank you and now we will hear from linda lowl and improving food security for seniors and adults with disabilities. >> good afternoon everyone. i the nutritionist with the department of aging and adult services. i wanted to give you an overview of the major nutrition programs our department supports and how we can address part of the food insecurity issues so our mission is to promote the well being and self sufficiency among individuals, families and communities in san francisco, and we have three major nutrition programs that do that. first is the meals program and the home delivered meals program and also we have the home delivered grocery programs. while today we won't go into details on the congregate program but it's helpful to get an overview and how it supports food insecurity with these groups so the meal program is supported with federal and state money as well local funds. we currently fund 43 different centers throughout san francisco. many are in senior centers, some churches, some housing facilities that are also open to the public, seniors coming in from the outsid