thanks as well to dedicated staff that worked on the item, debra, linda oliver, bill richardson, jennifer salas, dana schaffer, jill springer, don, susan, mary claire york. [roll call vote] >> items adapted granted as requested. thanks to all folks and we will now turn to the secretary for the next item on the agenda. >> mr. chairman and commissioners, the fourth item on the agenda will be presented by the wireline competition bureau and is entitled accelerating wire line broadband deployment by removing barriers through infrastructure investments, chris, chief of the bureau will give the introduction. >> thank you, madame secretary, whenever you are ready, the floor is yours. >> good morning, mr. chairman and commissioners. >> good morning. >> the wireline competition bureau presents for your consideration a report and order, declaratory ruling and further notice of proposed rule-making on accelerating infrastructure deployment. this item if adopted would implement several important reforms aimed at removing unnecessary regulateory bar yours to the deployment of high-speed broadband netw