but she could do anything with her face or her hair. >> reporter: in the 1970s, when linda taylor was for welfare fraud, she actually came under investigation for stealing the fronczak baby. from one newspaper account, quote, "one of her ex-husbands told agents that miss taylor appeared on day in the mid-1960s with a newborn baby although she had not been pregnant." >> that would not surprise me. >> reporter: isaiah gant was linda taylor's lawyer at the time and told "20/20" she never admitted anything but he wouldn't put it past her to snatch a baby. >> the woman was just a c chameleon. she could be anything. so i couldn't rule out the possibility that she could be involved in something like that. >> reporter: her son johnnie says he was already in trouble with the law then, and never volunteered what he says he knew about the fronczak baby, until he talked with us and a reporter for the online news site slate. i wasn't gonna go tell somebody, hey i know where this baby is, you know. you didn't do stuff like that back then. >> reporter: harbaugh says he came home from school one day,