our guests this morning are linda turner, manager of transforming neighborhoods u the initiative. nicole jackson young is the program manager. thank you, ladies, for joining me this morning. >> thank you for having us. >> linda, the goal at tni obviously was to improve these communities for people who are facing economic and health care and public safety and educational challenges. so, how is tni working? >> transforming neighborhoods initiative, which is county executive baker signature program is working very well, and his vision of the program was for -- to bring the government resources into the communities and work directly with the community members, help them identify the resources that are available to them, and work through the issues that were plaguing them. and after speaking with community members, going from meeting to meeting, he realized that there were -- the police department was very reactive when the community members would call. he wanted the entire government reacting to his residents in a similar manner. >> like the police department. >> correct. >> so, you in