he only did thirty days in over forty years of murder mayhem and racketeering and particularly linda vecchio his last contact the agent admitted ultimately that he intervened to help him one point one nine hundred eighty six the u.s. secret service and understand these are good people in our government who are trying to eradicate organized crime the secret service arrests greg outside of his ironically named wimpy boy's social club in brooklyn and they bust him and he could have gotten a two hundred fifty thousand dollar fine and seven years in prison and the cia has me the secret service is vigorously and the brooklyn strikeforce trying to put him away linda vecchio goes to his judge and at the time scarpa had gotten a contract of the hiv virus so he he ultimately died of aids like in early ninety two but this is one nine hundred eighty six and linda vecchio pleads with the judge to let him out on the street and they basically give him a risk they give him a ten thousand dollars fine and probation and if he had gone to prison at that point abbie he never would have been able to a wage the t