we will joined by eric mar and i want to thank sfgtv and as well as the clerk of the committee linda wong -- sorry, madam clerk do we have any announcements. >> yes mr. chair. please silence all cell phones and complete speaker cards and documents to be part of the file should be submitted to the clerk and will be on the november 26 agenda unless otherwise stated. >> great. can you call items one and two together. >> item one is sale of general obligation bonds - general hospital improvement not to exceed approximately $210 million and item two is appropriation - general hospital improvement general obligation bonds fy 2013-2014 authorizing the issuance of these bonds and earthquake safety for the hospital and trauma center for fiscal year 2013-2014. >> okay. thank you very much. do you want to speak first on the item. >> good morning i budget and finance committee. the item before you is a resolution to authorize the sale and issuance of city and county of san francisco general obligation bonds and amount not to exceed $209,955,000 and the supplemental proceeds the same proceeds to finan