lindnda henry: t the fish here is s phenomenalal. it's's because w we're an ocon facicing city ththat we justst y get t fresh fishsh every day. oh, , this looksks fantastic. ththank you, c chef. boston h harbor scalallops, harvested d yesterday,y, cocooked a minute ago. thisis is delicicious. really delelicious. cheers. cheersrs to boston. chcheers to boboston. taststes like cacape cod d on a summemer day. let's go, red sox. yankees susuck. it's fine.e. i'm a a mets fan a anyways. it's cool. [music playing] chelsea cabarcas (voiceover): did you know boston public market is the nation's first permanent year-round self-sustaining market? ♪ e estado dorarado ♪ ♪ alwlways in thahat state e of mind ♪ ♪ liviving on a h high vibrata♪ ♪ s so hot gonnnna make it t m♪ ♪ and i'm l lovin' what i'm t tastin' ♪ ♪ que bonitito lugar lllleno de t tanto saboror ♪ ♪ so mumuch flavor r ♪ ♪ u un future brillantnte se acercrca ♪ ♪ ahhhhhhhhh ♪ ♪ nosos gusta mezezclar ♪ ♪ como maltlteada ♪ ♪ aqui i hay lugar r ♪ ♪ yeaeah we livinin' in t the golden n stat