do sir, well i've come here really to find out what the united states intends. do us president lindon johnson asked israel not to start the war, this is exactly the same thing the ussr told his arab ally egypt to do, but egypt had already taken the first step by closing the straights of tidon on israeli ships, things really got bad when other arabs joined hands with abdul nasir and allied themselves with him in destroying israel. king hussein of jordan was a... first assign a joint defensive alliance with nasir and put his army under his orders. king faisel of saudi arabia also went to meet with nasa and pledge him his support. the us wanted to know what secrets about the inevitable war in the middle east, the ussr was whispering in the ears of the egyptians any cost. all these events were happening as the liberty was in the mediterranean and had reached the rota naval station. in spain so it could add three experts in russian and arabic to its crew. in the israeli camp, the situation was in crisis mode, egypt from the west, jordan from the east and syria from the north are on standby awaitin