this began in december of 2020 with lindsay boylen. lindsay boylen made some tweets on december 5th and december 15th that talked about her departure from the mansion and accused the governor of sexual harassment. one of the things she said in an article that she published on medium in february a couple months later is that she was on a plane with the governor and he made a comment about, hey, let's play strip poker. there were several other staff members on the flights with ms. boylen, and every single one of them said that didn't happen. and after that came out that they said that didn't happen, and one of the people on the flights was howard zemski, and he testified he received a disparaging message from ms. boylen that he found bizarre and jarring, and they don't tell you what that message was. they don't include it as an exhibit. why not? that's the equivalent of witness tampering, and if any member of the chamber or the governor himself had engaged in that conduct, that would be another ten pages of the report and i am sure that