hosting today's program is lindsay burke. she researches and writes on federal and state education issues. she focuses on reduces and empowering families with school choice. >> thank you andrew. thank you for being here today and everybody watching online as well. we are excited to welcome vicki to heritage today to discuss her thorough and really interesting new book. she does not mix words at all, the very title fairly arse of miseducation of america's children. she argues it is time to end it not and federal intervention and education. as she explains in her book, the federal government left education alone for about 100 years recognizing that it was the purview of state and localities. but gradually federal restraint gave away and by 1979 we saw the first cabinet level agency for education established. with a burst of the u.s. department of education. today, that agency houses nearly 5000 employees, manages over 150 federal education programs and has a discretionary budget of about 70,000,000,000 dollars. i might add it i