it comes from lindsey hilsum of "independent television news." she had a conversation with a group of american studies students at renmin university in beijing. >> i think that united states is trying to transport its own values like freedom and democracy to other parts of world, but china, india, cuba have their own situations, maybe not suit those values. >> i think the problem is it might not suit china. if it is such a good thing it might evolve towards democracy on its own. >> the most witty and tricky thing about american government is that they put personal liberty as mainstream. >> it's cute because the americans picture an american soldier on street of iraq, saving iraq people from hell. i think whenever there is dictatorship, as someone would call it, u.s. tend to think its their job to save those people. they haven't realized that democracy is absolute value in u.s. but might not be that absolute in other countries. >> reporter: but people would say you don't have real freedom of speech, so even if you did really hate the government yo