lindali lingle, she can't run again. and number one, kansas.athleen sebelius left there to join the obama administration. her lieutenant governor, a former republican, mark parkinson, not seeking another term. it's sam brownback who almost has a clear field for this entire thing. that's today's top ten, but it's these highly competitive races that political junkies will be looking at them. 11 of them. arizona, colorado, florida, illinois, massachusetts, minnesota, nevada, ohio, rhode island, texas, and wisconsin. look, 36 governorships are up. so many of them are going to be close. and they don't necessarily move in the way the nation moves, because internal dynamics will move those things in-state dynamics on that. it's going to be a wild year. winners of these governors' races matter though, when it comes to congress, because the census is coming and reapportionme reapportionment. got to move on to one governor's race that is getting wild. less than 72 hours after the polls close in illinois, it's a big mess. scott lee cohen, he's a little-kn