. >> richard linklater and i developed an idea of a jazz movie starring chet baker. it was going to be chet in the '50s, chet in the kind-of heyday of bee bop and the sense of his fame, but we couldn't get the money together. so, this never happened. >> seth: uh-huh. >> i felt really sad about it, to be honest with you. >> seth: yeah. >> i really wanted to play that part. and that ship sailed. and then, about 15 years later, the ship came back because of this older version of chet who's in a much more difficult place in his life. and i felt like i was given an opportunity to give a sequel to a film i never made. >> seth: that's nice. >> it was cool. >> seth: and now, had you put done the work in to start learning how to play trumpet back in the first -- >> that's a clue into why we didn't get the film made in the first place. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> rick had the idea of, like, "wouldn't it be great to do -- we'll really take the rug out from under the biopic. chet's not going to play the whole movie." that was rick's idea. >> seth: so, that's why nobody wanted